Watch out folks, it's a whole new format, starting with today's strip. I realized last week that I pretty much burned through my reserve of strips. Rather than drawing another dozen or so strips, I decided to do the next batch of strips in real time. Most of the original strips were drawn back in November and December of 2006. Months later, they didn't all seem as relevant to me as they did when first drawn.
Today's strip is a brief snippet of conversation I had with an inteviewer at a temp agency on Monday. Trust me, my job prospects with this agency are promising, but I still left thinking "I can't believe I said I could have had a job euthanizing animals."
On a totally unrelated note, am I a bad person for being less than excited with Drive? I don't think it's the show per se, but I'm getting tired of gimicky ensemble shows with an underlying mystery/conspiracy and lots of flashbacks. Lost is slowly losing me, I've written off Prison Break, The Nine barely made it out of the gate before getting the axe...Heroes is really the only show that I'm truly invested in.
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