I should mention that these strips don't really happen in "real time", so I am not currently entertaining the idea of self-mutilation. Although, there was a time when I came very close to getting an earring. My freshman year of college, every guy in my dorm was going to a place in town to get his ear pierced, so naturally I wanted too as well. But then the fat kid we called "
Weeble" got one and it didn't seem so cool anymore.
1 comment:
Man, asside from the whole ear-piercing thing and teh fact that I don't actually know this "weeble" character...I totally sympathize.
Everytime things are going swell, I feel like I should probably be moving on.
I sort of have a life-theory, or better yet a my-life-theory, that states something like "For every amount of happiness comes an equal or greater amount of complacency. For every amount of complacency comes a desire to elude complacency. Alluding complacency can only be attained by being unhappy and therefore having the drive to find happiness. Therefore, x=y."
Yeah, that's pretty accurate.
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