Tuesday, December 11, 2007

#78 The First Cut Is The Deepest

*John Wayne Bobbitt and Lorena Bobbitt are known for a 1993
incident in which Lorena severed John's penis with a kitchen knife.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

#67 Baltimore Comicon, Part III

Our roadtrips are based on two things; an awesome music mix and great conversations/discussions. I've never been disappointed by either.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

#66 Baltimore Comicon, Part II

Part two of our trip to the Baltimore Comicon. Yes, apparently I snore. A little.

Monday, September 3, 2007

#63 Fantasy Land

That's right, it's that time of year. The time of year when on Sunday, grown men will park themselves in front of their computers and/or televisions for anywhere between 4 and 10 hours and will live or die depending on the performance of athletic millionaires.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

#62 Soda or Pop?

While our break rooms at work have newer, fancier vending machines I found out about this old clunker of a drink machine in the basement. Initially I was surprised to find that there even was a basement, then after I recovered from that, I saw the Old Man there in the corner. It was like finding a time capsule.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

#60 Bulk Smash!

I had to kick it old-school for today's strip, using basic programs MS Paint and MS Publisher, or as I like to call it "guerilla webcomics".

Thursday, August 16, 2007

#59 Husky

It's been quite a while since the last Evergreen, and for that I apologize. Over the past couple of weeks, life seemingly unloaded a dump truck full of various things at my doorstep that I had to wade through until I finally came to a point where I had a chance to catch up on my own stuff.
So what better way to return than with a visit from my buddy, ID4, and a childhood memory of clothes shopping. In the 80's, chubby kids like myself were subjected to the painful experience of shopping for clothes in the "Husky" section at department stores like Sears, and let me tell you, the salespeople at the time were not trained to be sensitive to little fatties like myself

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

#58 It's A Miger, Like A Man And A Tiger Mixed, Bred For It's Skills In Customer Service

This week is pretty much a bust as far as getting my strips done on time. Next week should be back to normal.

Friday, July 20, 2007

#57 One Long Day

I've been hella-busy this week and unfortunately the strip was put on the back burner. I do plan on getting both of this week's strips done this weekend, so keep yer eyes out.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

#56 Aliens Hate Comic Books

I have no reason to include the alien from Independence Day in today's strip other than I like drawing it. The alien, which will only be known as "ID4", may make more appearances in the future.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

#55 Memoirs Of A Temp

Now that I have a full-time job waiting for me, I started to reflect on my brief and uninspiring career as a temp. I've always heard that temping was great, but I didn't see it. My first temp assignment found me alone in the middle of a group of empty cubicles.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

#54 Today We Celebrate Our Independence Day!

I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. Sucks that the holiday fell in the middle of the week, though.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

#53 Transfer Of Power

Few things make me feel more manly than when I'm cooking raw red meat over white-hot charcoal. The deluxe set of grill tools that my dad gave me for Christmas is the icing on the cake.

Monday, June 25, 2007

#50 Support Your Local Stripper, Part 1

"Let's have a bachelor party, with chicks and guns and fire trucks and hookers and drugs and booze!"

This 50th strip, which is technically last Thursday's strip, goes out to our friend Mike B., whose bachelor party we attended this past Saturday night.

Friday, June 22, 2007

#49 It's Science

My cousin's wedding was actually last weekend, but I decided to take this week off from doing strips. However, tonight I found myself jonesing for some drawing, so I think I'm probably going to catch up with strips #49 and 50, that way I'll be back on track next week.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

#47 The Howling

Yep, today's strip is in color. I don't know if I'll color the strips all the time, but I wanted to experiment with at least one.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

#44 Talking Trash

Taking out garbage in the middle of a thunderstorm...oh yeah...good times.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

#40 Night Trimming

Growing up, I dreaded helping my dad with projects because he would not stop until the job was done, even if it meant working in the dark by flashlight or car headlights.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

#39 My Island

by Dan Greenwald

We now return you to your regularly scheduled webcomic.